10 considerations for your own practice
1. Gain access to paperwork when you can – although we work on a ‘need to know’ basis, it is important that you have information on when a child may have counselling or visit a parent which may present them with changes of behaviour
2. Challenge the perceptions of yourself and others; have high aspirations
3. Set expectations and challenge children to achieve
4. Give time to listen to the child– you/your school may be their only consistent in life
5. Support carers to come forward and discuss educational achievement/ worries etc – ensure regular contact takes place to build up a rapport and a relationship
6. Attend training when it is available to you – seek training out
7. Work holistically within your planning to support LAC – work with others to develop your planning
8. Work collaboratively – know who the key people are you need to be communicating and working with – make regular contact with them to keep up to date with what is happening in the child’s life
9. Use any support plans that are put in place for the child, refer to them and update regularly
10. Ensure paperwork relating to LAC is clear and of a high quality so that others can easily access it